AGU session H078 - Panta Rhei: Hydrology, Society, and Environmental Change

 Dear colleagues,

herewith I would like to motivate you to submit an abstract to our session H078 - Panta Rhei: Hydrology, Society, and Environmental Change ( at the AGU fall meeting. In this hybrid session, participation and presentations are possible in person on-site as well as virtually, as you prefer! A perfect possibility to present and promote your research on hydrological, environmental and socio-economic change!

AGU will be in New Orleans, US and online everywhere 13-17 December 2021. The abstract deadline is 4th of August. Online abstract submission is possible via the AGU site:

We look forward to seeing many of you virtually or in person in December!
Best regards
Heidi Kreibich, Fuqiang Tian, Maura Allaire, Hilary K McMillan
 Please excuse cross posting!-----------Session " H078 - Panta Rhei: Hydrology, Society, and Environmental Change "Conveners: Heidi Kreibich, Fuqiang Tian, Maura Allaire, Hilary K McMillanThis session welcomes abstracts that consider how to observe, understand, model, and manage multiple interactions between society, environmental change, and hydrological systems. Relevant approaches can capture complex dynamics of human and water systems, across multiple time and spatial scales. Dynamic, two-way interactions can give rise to critical transitions and tipping points, which can pose major challenges for sustainable water management. This session is organized as part of the IAHS Panta Rhei hydrological decade 2013-2022.Examples of relevant areas of socio-hydrology are:+ Integrated models of hydrology and anthropogenic effects+ New data or data acquisition approaches to describe interactions between hydrology and society+ Local, regional and global modeling of hydrologic and socio-economic change+ Evaluations of management interventions and risk reduction actions+ Assessment of interactions between communities and local water resources+ Analysis of dynamics between people and hydrological extremes
PD Dr. Heidi Kreibich
Head of WG Flood risk and climate adaptation
Section Hydrology
Phone: +49 (0)331/288-1550
Fax: +49 (0)331/288-1570

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Foundation under public law of the federal state
of Brandenburg
Telegrafenberg, D-14473 Potsdam
