H100 - Subgrid parameterization of physical processes in Earth System Models

 Here is the link to my session: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/121771

Regional and global environmental change can be understood using soil, snow, ice, hydrologic, oceanic, wave, and atmospheric models, which may be coupled to create Earth System Models (ESMs). Since most models have constraints on horizontal resolution, a major challenge is the parameterization and representation of subgrid-scale physical processes. This challenge is especially prominent in developing scale-aware models since the dominant processes differ between different scales and components. This session welcomes submissions focusing on any processes related to subgrid variability across the various components of Earth System Models, including the soil, snow, ice, hydrologic, oceanic, wave, and atmospheric components and their coupling. Examples include: (1) observations and findings on specific subgrid-scale physical processes; (2) different approaches to deal with subgrid processes; and (3) development of scale-aware models. This interdisciplinary session aims to gather related research across various fields, thereby inspiring discussions and advancements related to scale-aware modeling.

The invited speakers: 
Dr. Elie Bou-Zeid (Princeton University)
Dr. Andrew Gettelman (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

Siwei He (CU Boulder and NOAA/GSL), 
Evan Kalina (CU Boulder, NCAR/DTC, and NOAA/GSL), 
Ben Livneh (CU Boulder)

I also attached a separated file as a flyer.

Thank you,
