NG014 Scales, Scaling, Symmetries and Complexity: from Theory to Big Data, from Urban Systems to Climate and Pandemics
Dear Colleague (apologies for cross-posting),
This session is focused on recent progresses on nonlinear techniques (e.g., scaling, (multi-) fractals, complex networks, causality and information transfer) to uncover the underlying, non-trivial symmetries, information transfer across scales, causal effects and driving forces as well as their applications to data analysis and modelling of these complex systems and phenomena.
We invite you to submit an abstract to our session NG014 Scales, Scaling, Symmetries and Complexity: from Theory to Big Data, from Urban Systems to Climate and Pandemics
of the upcoming AGU Fall meeting (13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana & online everywhere)
Please note:
- New: you can also be first author of another abstract in another section,
- you will be able to present in-person or online. more
- Submission deadline: 4 August 2021 23:59 EDT/03:59 UTC (+1)
- the first author must be an AGU member
Just go to NG014 Scales, Scaling, Symmetries and Complexity: from Theory to Big Data, from Urban Systems to Climate and Pandemics and select “submit an abstract to this session”,
Session Description:
Geophysical and man-made systems display extreme variability over wide ranges of space-time scales due to nonlinear interactions between various processes. Capturing these interactions is of vital importance in understanding the dynamics of these complex systems. They lead to extreme events ranging from floods to pandemics and climate Suctuations . They naturally call for multiple scientifically-based responses to mitigate the risks and build resilience.
This session is focused on recent progresses on nonlinear techniques (e.g., scaling, (multi-) fractals, complex networks, causality and information transfer) to uncover the underlying, non-trivial symmetries, information transfer across scales, causal effects and driving forces as well as their applications to data analysis and modelling of these complex systems and phenomena.
Daniel Schertzer, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France
Bjorn Birnir, UC, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara,
Allen Gerhard Hunt, Wright State University , Dayton, OH,
Anastasios Tsonis, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, W
Co-sponsored by EGU, JpGU, AOGS
Cross-listed: A, GH, H, NH
Prof. Daniel Schertzer
Chair “Hydrology for Resilient Cities"
HM&Co Lab (Hydrology Meteorology and Complexity)
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)
6-8 avenue B. Pascal, Cité Descartes
77455 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 02 France
tel. : 33 1 6415 3633, sec. 33 1 6415 3634
cell: 33 6 7504 5203
Chair “Hydrology for Resilient Cities"
HM&Co Lab (Hydrology Meteorology and Complexity)
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)
6-8 avenue B. Pascal, Cité Descartes
77455 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 02 France
tel. : 33 1 6415 3633, sec. 33 1 6415 3634
cell: 33 6 7504 5203
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