NH022 - Natural Hazards such as droughts, hurricanes, rainfall-induced landslides, heatwaves, forest fires, floods and others under Climate Change impact
Dear Colleagues,
We'd like to invite abstract submissions to our AGU#21 session NH022 - Natural Hazards such as droughts, hurricanes, rainfall-induced landslides, heatwaves, forest fires, floods and others under Climate Change impact
Section: Natural Hazards
Submission Website: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm21/prelim.cgi/Session/118280
Virtual or In-person/Hybrid Session (selected by primary convener during session submission): virtually or in person (hybrid)
Session Details: The magnitude and frequency of natural hazards such as droughts, hurricanes, rainfall-induced landslides, heatwaves, forest fires, and floods are affected by increasing global surface temperatures. In fact, the increasing severity and recurrence of natural disasters, at regional and global scales, have been cited as corroborative evidence for climate change. This session aims at bringing together experts from various disciplines who are investigating the relation between climate change and natural hazards. We encourage submissions on: (i) research exploring observed and projected natural hazard variations due to climate change, (ii) investigations assessing the vulnerability and the implications of changing magnitudes and frequencies of natural hazards on transportation, agriculture, city planning, water resources and more, and (iii) research exploring the adaptability measures to ongoing and future climate related changes in natural hazards.
Session Conveners: Thian Yew Gan, University of Alberta; Jianfeng Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
The deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 4 August 2021 at 23:59 EDT. Abstracts will not be accepted for review after this date.
AGU Fall Meeting 2021 is being planned to support fully both online and in-person attendees to expand participation and reduce our travel footprint. The in-person meeting will return to the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA, which has recently been upgraded. New Orleans also has a new airport terminal and is served by several Amtrak lines. Most #AGU21 sessions can be designed to support in-person or virtual presentations and participation in some way.
As a reminder, most oral sessions will have a discussion format with 3-5 minute presentations followed by open discussion. Authors of oral sessions will be asked to also upload a longer recorded presentation. Poster and eLightning sessions will also include a discussion session. Except for panel sessions and approved special sessions, session formats will be assigned by the Fall Meeting Program Committee after abstract submissions close.
AGU expects only fully vaccinated people to attend #AGU21 in-person. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated (two weeks after the last required shot) should plan to attend online. Visit our webpage for additional details and resources on COVID-19.
Registration and housing will open in late August. Early bird registration ends 3 November. There is also a non-refundable abstract processing fee, separate from meeting registration fees.
For the latest information about #AGU21, including travel discounts, please visit the Fall Meeting website.
Thank you again for your submission and we look forward to your participation at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021. If you have questions regarding the scientific program, please contact abst...@agu.org.
Best regards,
Thian Yew Gan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alberta, 9211-116 Street, Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9
tg...@ualberta.ca; Tel:(780)492-9376
Research Ambassador, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Lead author, AR6-WGI, Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC)
Jianfeng Li
Hong K Department of Geography
Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3411 2580, E-mail: jianf...@hkbu.edu.hk
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