HS5 subdivision on "Water policy, management, and control"

 Dear colleagues, 

Apologies for cross-posting. 

This is a friendly reminder that the abstract submission deadline for the next EGU General Assemblly is January 12, 1pm CET. We have 12 scientific sessions proposed in our HS5 subdivision on "Water policy, management, and control". Six of them in the format of oral/poster sessions, six of them as fully hybrid vPICO sessions. 

Check them out at the following link (titles and conveners are also reported below), all conveners look forward to receiving your abstracts: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/sessionprogramme/hs#HS5

According to the last update by the European Geosciences Union (EGU), EGU22 in April is still intended to expected to be in a hybrid format. If you plan on participating virtually, you should submit your abstract to a vPICO session, since the oral/poster sessions will not provide the possibility for virtual presentation. If you plan on attending in-person in Vienna, feel free to submit to any session, vPICO as well as oral/poster sessions.

Thank you very much and feel free to reach out if you have any question! Looking forward to hopefully meeting many of you at EGU22. 

Andrea Cominola 

Andrea Cominola, PhD
Assistant Professor of Smart Water Networks
EGU HS5 SD Chair

Technische Universität Berlin
Chair of Smart Water Networks

Straße des 17. Juni 135
D- 10623 Berlin

twitter: @AndreaCominola

HS5.1 - Water resources policy and management - managing trade-offs at the nexus between water, food, energy and the environment. Convener: Timothy Foster | Co-conveners: Taher Kahil, Hector Macian-Sorribes, Andrea Castelletti, Christiane Zarfl

HS5.2 - Innovation in Hydropower Operations and Planning to integrate renewable energy sources and optimize the Water-Energy Nexus. Convener: Benoit Hingray | Co-conveners: Elena Pummer, David C. Finger, Nathalie Voisin, Baptiste François

HS5.3 - Water resources policy and management – system scale solutions for uncertain futures | Virtual PICO. Convener: Marta Zaniolo | Co-conveners: Jazmin Zatarain Salazar, Jan Kwakkel, Manuel Pulido-Velazquez, Julien Harou

HS5.4 - Water resources policy and management - forecast and control methods | Virtual PICO. Convener: Charles Rougé | Co-conveners: Louise Crochemore, Matteo Giuliani, Stefano Galelli

HS5.5 - Multi-scale water-energy-land nexus planning to manage socio-economic, climatic, and technological change. Convener: Edo Abraham | Co-conveners: Zarrar Khan, Edward A. Byers, Yue Qin

HS5.6 - Impacts of land use and land cover changes on water resources management and water-related ecosystem services. Convener: Giulio Castelli | Co-conveners: Sofie te Wierik, Tommaso Pacetti

HS5.7 - Mitigation measures to improve water quality in agricultural landscapes. Convener: Dominik Zak | Co-conveners: Mette Vodder Carstensen, Brian Kronvang, Jan Vymazal

HS5.8 - Harmful elements in groundwaters: origin and remediation | Virtual PICO. Convener: Ilaria Fuoco| Co-conveners: Carmine Apollaro, Alessandra Criscuoli, Alberto Figoli

HS5.9 - Scale Issues in human-water systems | Virtual PICO. Convener: Pieter van Oel | Co-conveners: Sarra Kchouk, Murugesu Sivapalan

HS5.10 - Green infrastructure for sustainable urban hazard management. Convener: Daniel Green | Co-conveners: Jorge Isidoro, Lei Li

HS5.11 - Water resources policy and management: digital water and interconnected urban infrastructure | Virtual PICO. Convener: David Steffelbauer | Co-conveners: Newsha Ajami, Andrea Cominola, Riccardo Taormina, Ina Vertommen

HS5.12 - Sustainability Challenges of Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Systems and Services | Virtual PICO. Convener: Stefanos Xenarios | Co-conveners: Joost Buurman, Cecilia Tortajada, Vasileios Inglezakis, Aziza Baubekova
