Innovations on sensing, experimental and computational methods for the investigation of physical and biochemical processes in the subsurface (HS8.1.3).

 Dear colleagues,


We would like to draw your attention to our EGU 2022 session that will focus on Innovations on sensing, experimental and computational methods for the investigation of physical and biochemical processes in the subsurface (HS8.1.3).


We will have the opportunity to hear a keynote seminar from the PIs of the TERRA FORMA project, Laurent Longuevergne, Arnaud Elger, Virginie Girard on Designing and testing a smart observation platform of geo-eco-socio-systems in the Anthropocene.


Link for abstract submission:


Deadline for submission: Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET


We are looking forward to hearing more about your research!


Best Regards,


Clément, Maria and Pietro

Conference website:


Innovations on sensing, experimental and computational methods for the investigation of physical and biochemical processes in the subsurface

Convener: Clément Roques | Co-conveners: Pietro De Anna, Maria Klepikova


A number of physical (e.g. flow and transport), chemical (e.g. red-ox reactions) and biological (e.g. bio-mineralization) mechanisms critically control the fate of the underground environment where rocks, liquids, gases and microbes sit in close proximity and interaction. The common feature of these processes is their heterogeneity (spatial variability) and their temporal dynamics at which they impact the natural environment. A wide range of innovative methods have recently emerged that provide vision into the coupled processes at spatial and temporal scales unexplored before, including: 4D geophysical methods, near-real time biochemical and isotopic monitoring, smart sensors and observation systems, remote sensing, citizen science observations, microscopic imaging technics, pore to global scale numerical models, data-driven machine learning and hybrid modeling approaches.

The session seeks contributions that present (i) technological innovations in experimental and sensing methods for the observation of physical and biochemical processes occurring in the subsurface; (ii) advances in computational methods that help extracting knowledge from datasets integrating time, space and scientific disciplines; and, (iii) improvements of modeling technics for the description of coupled physical and biochemical processes from the micro to the kilometer scales. Reviews and general discussions on current technological and observation challenges are also highly encouraged.

Clément Roques
