
H046 - DNA Informed Hydrology: techniques and applications of genetic data in watershed science.

H112 – “Urban heat, vegetation, and water dynamics: new insights and implications for management and equity”

B005 - Advances in Monitoring and Modeling Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Landscapes.

H100 - Subgrid parameterization of physical processes in Earth System Models

H028. Applications in Snow Hydrology: Linking Snow to Natural Processes and Society (ID: 118567)

Grains to Satellites: Sediment and Hydrological Processes Across Scales

H006 - Advances in Hydroinformatics : Building Accessible Knowledgebase and Resilience

H070 - Machine learning applications in catchment hydrology

H060 - Human Influence on the Regional/Natural Hydroclimate and Environmental Systems

NG014 Scales, Scaling, Symmetries and Complexity: from Theory to Big Data, from Urban Systems to Climate and Pandemics

H111 - Understanding, Modeling, Forecasting and Mitigation of Urban and Riverine Flood Risks in South Asia

NH022 - Natural Hazards such as droughts, hurricanes, rainfall-induced landslides, heatwaves, forest fires, floods and others under Climate Change impact

H034- Biogeochemistry of multi-contaminants and emerging pollutants in the critical zone: Reactivity and Treatment Solutions

AGU EP009: Earth Surface Processes and the Global Carbon Cycle